Fee structure
Home visits:
£112 for 1 hour appointment
£94 for 45 minute appointment
Clinic appointments:
£140 for 1 hour appointment & initial assessment
£105 for 45 minute appointment
Pre-paid clinic package:
15% discount for 6 sessions paid in advance
£714 for six 1 hour appointments
£535.50 for six 45 minute appointments
Video consultations:
£64.50 for 45 minute appointment
£86 for 1 hour appointment
Clinic appointments
Payment must be made at reception after each appointment.
Home visits
Payment can be made by cash, cheque or bank transfer.
Health Insurance
Clinic appointments
Please speak to reception when you book your appointment.
Home visits
NLNP does not invoice health insurers directly. Please ask for a receipt on payment should you wish to claim back from a health insurer.